


梁飛 副教授

發布人:古生物  發布時間:2019-11-20   浏覽次數:1386

梁飛 副教授(博士),碩士生導師,古生物學院副院長,主要研究領域為晚白垩被子植物的起源與演化,共計發表學術論文10餘篇,主持國家自然科學基金項目2項。獲得遼甯省自然科學學術成果獎,一等獎1項,遼甯省自然科學學術成果獎,三等獎1項。2019年入選 “遼甯省百千萬人才工程(萬人層次)”,沈陽市“拔尖人才”。


1) Liang, F. *, Tian, N., Sun, W., Wu, Q., Liu, B. C., Wang, H. S. *, 2021. Epidermal features of the floating leaves of Quereuxia angulata (Newberry) Krištofovič, an aquatic angiosperm from the Upper Cretaceous of Northeast China. Cretaceous Research, 125(1): 104835.SCI

2)Liang, F., Sun, G.*, Yang, T., Bai S. C., 2018. Nelumbo jiayinensis sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous Yong'ancun Formation in Jiayin, Heilongjiang, Northeast China. Cretaceous Research, 84: 134-140.SCI

3)Liang, F.*, Yang, T., Yuan, Y. L., 2019. New discovery of Nyssidium from the Yong’ancun Formation in Jiayin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93(4): 1137-1138.SCI

4) Zhang, Y. J., Liu, B.C., Liang, F.*, 2019. A new species of Coniopteris moguqiensis sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic Wanbao Formation in Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 93(5): 1317–1324.SCI

5) Liang, F., Zhang, S.Q., Markeich, V., Bugdaeva, E., Sun, G.*,2015. New data on palynology of lower part of Yong’ancun Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in Jiayin of Heilongjiang, Zeya-Bureya Basin, China. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 9 (3): 155-165.SCI


1)國家自然科學基金,面上項目,42172017,黑龍江嘉蔭盆地晚白垩世中-晚期植物群演替及其古環境背景, 2022-012025-1260萬元,在研,主持;




孫革,梁飛,楊濤,張淑芹. 2020.黑龍江嘉蔭晚白垩世植物群.上海:上海科技教育出版社. 1-174.

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